3 Inner Insight Inspired by the Moon

Arty Amarisa
10 min readSep 3, 2020
Image by Myriam Zilles from Pixabay

“The moon is a loyal companion. It never leaves. It’s always there, watching, steadfast, knowing us in our light and dark moments, changing forever just as we do. Every day it’s a different version of itself. Sometimes weak and wan, sometimes strong and full of light. The moon understands what it means to be human. Uncertain. Alone. Cratered by imperfections.”

Tahereh Mafi,

We just need to glance outside in the sky to witness the presence of the moon. As the days pass we realise how the moon changes yet it is always there whether it is visible to us or not. The above quote by Mafi helps us understand that how the moon changes its form yet is loyal and is always there. It helps us to identify ourselves with the moon and use it as inner guide to navigate the landscape of life. The above picture makes us realise that there are times in our lives when we will be navigating through turbulent tides. However through connection to nature, we can begin to notice patterns in the cycle of our own life. Rather than being victims of the storms of life, we can be empower ourselves to steer our course of action. We can prepare ourselves against the adverse circumstances by tuning into the warning signs that are shared by nature. Let us first discern about how we really know the moon influences us, the 8 phases of the moon and the 3 inner insights we can be inspired by the Moon.

How does the moon influence us?

We humans are analytical by nature and we like to be able to relate to some sort of evidence to help us believe. So how does the moon influence us? For some it is like trying to prove the existence of air, you just know it exists, it does not need evidence as without air you will not be able to breath so you will not be alive. In a similar manner some of us just know that the moon influences us. During full moon when the darkness of the sky is lit by the glowing light of the moon, it has an effect on our moods, emotions, thought process, on our sleep and behaviour. There is reliable evidence measured in controlled environment to suggest the lunar rhythm can influence human sleep structure patterns, inferring that during full moon one experiences less deep sleep, takes longer to sleep and the total sleep time reduces (Cajochen et al, 2013).

Let’s delve into science here for a moment, to explore the mirroring of the tidal influence on our emotional bodies. From a scientific perspective we understand the gravitational pull of the moon on the waters of the earth is what creates the tides. It is usually at the new and full moon, the pull it exerts is at its strongest. The reason for this is because the sun, the moon and the Earth line up in a relatively straight line. The sun’s gravitational pull adds to that of the moon, giving us the highest and lowest tides. We know that the moon affects the tides, in a similar manner the human bodies are approximately 60% water so we can see this link of how it will affect humans too. Water is symbolic for emotions in many native cultures so we can infer that the moon affects us internally and during full and new moon our emotions are amplified and brought to the surface.

Many woman chart their menstrual cycle with the moon’s cycle to help them understand their emotions and what is going on physiological. A study investigating the relationship between the menstrual cycle and the lunar rhythm looked at 826 female volunteers. There was a significant evidence to suggest that menstruation occurred around new moon (Law, 1985). This helps us understand the nature of cycles which is the basic unit of life, birth, growth, transformation, decline and death which leads to the complete cycle starting with birth all over again. This wisdom of the moon helps us tune into our own bodies and identify the rhythmic changes we experience which are at times beyond our conscious awareness. Therefore let us dare to be inspired by the phases of the moon and its affect on us a like a cautionary measure to help us prepare for the ebbs and flows of our the manifestation of our intentions to lead happier lives.

Understanding the Flow 8 Phases of the Moon

“And the sun and the moon sometimes argue over who will tuck me in at night. If you think I am having more fun than anyone on this planet, you are absolutely correct.”

The new moon

During new moon the sun and the moon are in alignment. It is symbolic for when the masculine energy of the sun is in unity with the feminine energy of the moon. Energetically it is an opportunity to be still and sow the seeds of desire and intention specially in areas that are stagnated and where we feel stuck.

The waxing crescent moon

Once we have sent our intentions during new moon, the waxing cresent moon is phase when we can anchor our intentions. It is wonderful to start visualisations what we desire and reinforce our affirmations. A simple tool is to re-write out new moon intentions and read them out aloud daily.

The waxing quarter moon

This is the when the moon and and the sun are at right angles to each other. This is an opportunity to to highlight the aspects that have appeared after new moon. It is great to revisit your intentions and find different ways to be tenacious to achieve your desires.

The waxing gibbous moon

This time, just before full moon, is a phase of high energy. It is a wonderful opportunity to amplify your will power to achieve your desires. It is a right before the full moon, it offers perspective.

The full moon

The time of the full moon is an opportunity to be showered with the nourishment of the moon’s light. It is great to go out and bathe in the light of the full moon and empower yourself with the energy to manifest your desires. The moon is symbolic for the femine so you can tune into your inner wisdom, your intuition.

The waning gibbous moon

This time after the full moon it is important to review what needs to be released. The key is to let go of the resistances so you can tune into intuitive ease and propel forward towards self actualisation.

The waning quarter moon

Whilst the moon wanes and the light is fading into the distance, there is an innate need to go within. This is a chance to to give yourself permission to seek your answers inside and gather the courage to speak your truth and accordingly make changes in your life.

The waning crescent moon

This is the phase just before full moon and the last part of the moon cycle. It is symbolic to reflect back the entire lunar cycle to investigate the occurrences, the learnings, the regrets. A wonderful practice is to read your new moon intentions and gently realise to prepare for the next new moon.

First Inner Insight Inspiration — Commitment to go with the flow of the moon

There is a moon inside every human being. Learn to be companions with it.


Once you are aware of the 8 phases of the moon, it is good idea to make a note of which days these phases of the moon fall on. You can find this information of the phases of the moon depending where you live on this link. You can use this information to help you with your health, work and / or relationships. The 8 phases are a roadmap which you can use to guide you through the ebbs and flows of life to manifest your intentions. This is not an overnight process. Like everything in life give yourself some time and a minimum of 3 moon cycles to see what are the areas you need to work on. Use your innate intelligent to guide you to be aligned to the moon so you can plan your life. Structuring your life according to phases of the the moon is a lovely self help tool which is your inner rhythm life coach.

Second Inner Insight Inspiration — Intention setting during New Moon

“Just like the moon, your greatest magic will come in times of darkness. When you have no choice but to trust your own power.”


New Moon is a wonderful opportunity to set intentions. Every new moon is like a fresh start and the first blank page of a your book where you can express your intentions. There is a stillness about new moon which helps your reflect on your inner needs that need manifesting.

1. Set the Scene

Select an area where you can sit without being disturbed. Keep some paper or journal and something to write with close by. Clear any clutter and make room for yourself to sit in silence and breath. You may prefer to hear some background soothing music to create the ambience as long as it is not creating a distraction. You can light a candle or burn some sage or an incent stick to help clear the space. If you have any crystals that you are drawn to, place them close to you. You may decide to hold them in the palm of your hands to feel the coolness and energy.

2. Breath Deeply in Silence

Place your hands on your heart and take five deep breaths, breathing in for five and breathing out for five through your heart centre. Continue breathing with your eyes closed or open watching the flame or smoke fade away.

3. Write down your intentions

After a few moments of contemplation take the paper and write down what you desire to manifest. You may experience a void in your family, work or health that you are seeking. The key is to bring it to the forefront and label it.

4. Vocalise your intentions

Take a few rounds of deep breaths. When you feel in tune with your desires, empower yourself to say them out aloud. If you encounter resistance feel free to write these down to work on them during the course of the lunar cycle to let them go.

5. Meditate and manifest

Keeping your gaze low or your eyes closed, use your minds eye to visualise your intentions and manifest your reality. Take few deep breaths to anchor in the present and feel energised.

Third Inner Insight Inspiration — Reflection and forgiveness during Full Moon

“Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars.”
J.R.R. Tolkien

Full moon is a safe place to reflect on what has not been accomplished and to let go of that which does not serve you. Only when you let go can you focus on what really shines in your life — the brightest stars.

1. Set the Scene

Select an area where you can sit without being disturbed. Keep some paper or journal and something to write with close by. Clear any clutter and make room for yourself to sit in silence and breath. You may prefer to hear some background soothing music to create the ambience as long as it is not creating a distraction. You can light a candle or burn some sage or an incent stick to help clear the space. If you have any crystals that you are drawn to, place them close to you. You may decide to hold them in the palm of your hands to feel the coolness and energy.

2. Breath Deeply in Silence

Place your hands on your heart and take five deep breaths, breathing in for five and breathing out for five through your heart centre. Continue breathing with your eyes closed or open watching the flame or smoke fade away.

3. Write down your concerns

After a few moments of contemplation take the paper and write down what you desire to let go of. You may encounter an obstacle, resistance to what you are trying to let go of. Just become an observe and in a detached sense bring it to the forefront and label it.

4. Vocalise you who/what you need to let go of

Take a few rounds of deep breaths. When you feel in tune with your resistance, empower yourself to say them out aloud. If you encounter further resistance feel free to write these down to work on them during the course of the lunar cycle to let them go.

5. Meditate and manifest

Keeping your gaze low or your eyes closed, use your minds eye to visualise letting go of your blockages and manifest your reality. Take few deep breaths to anchor in the present and feel energised.

6. Be creative

Go outside and take a moon bath and allow the moonlight to reduce your emotional inflammation to help you let go of that which does not serve you. Dance out any stagnant energy that is resistance to allow your body to go with the flow.

Final words

“There was a man who loved the moon, but whenever he tried to embrace her, she broke into a thousand pieces and left him drenched, with empty arms.”
Laini Taylor

Let us be inspired by nature and the lunar cycle to tune into to harness our superpower which is our innate awareness. Every 28 days when the new moon approaches we have a renewed chance to express our intentions and work though the lunar phases to manifest our reality. It is not about going against the cross current and being unrealistically over ambitious. Rather it is about using our own intuition to discern what is worth our awareness and what we are willing to let go of. The above quote by author Laini Taylor helps understand that it is not about constricting and possessing, rather it is about expanding our parameters and merging with the abundance of nature.

Ready to Thrive in Abundance?

I’ve created a infographic and short video with three tips to thrive immediately. If you follow these three simple practices you will raise your level of vibration.

Get your 3 Tips to Thrive infographic and short video here.

Bibliography & References

Boujo S (2020) this period in my life. Pensord Press

Cajochen C, Altanay-Ekici S, Münch M, Frey S, Knoblauch V, Wirz-Justice A. Evidence that the lunar cycle influences human sleep. Curr Biol. 2013;23(15):1485–1488. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2013.06.029

Law, S (1986) The regulation of menstrual cycle and its relationship to the moon Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 1986;65(1):45–8

Pearce L H (2012) Moon Time. A guide to celebrating your menstrual cycle. Lucy H Pearce



Arty Amarisa

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